use crate::storage::Device; use crate::error::Error; use crate::services::ping::Value as PingValue; use crate::wol::{create_buffer, send_packet}; use axum::extract::{Path, State}; use axum::Json; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::sync::Arc; use tracing::{debug, info}; use utoipa::ToSchema; use uuid::Uuid; #[utoipa::path( post, path = "/start/{id}", request_body = Option<SPayload>, responses( (status = 200, description = "start the device with the given id", body = [Response]) ), params( ("id" = String, Path, description = "device id") ), security((), ("api_key" = [])) )] pub async fn post( State(state): State<Arc<crate::AppState>>, Path(id): Path<String>, payload: Option<Json<SPayload>>, ) -> Result<Json<Value>, Error> { send_wol(state, &id, payload) } #[utoipa::path( get, path = "/start/{id}", responses( (status = 200, description = "start the device with the given id", body = [Response]) ), params( ("id" = String, Path, description = "device id") ), security((), ("api_key" = [])) )] pub async fn get( State(state): State<Arc<crate::AppState>>, Path(id): Path<String>, ) -> Result<Json<Value>, Error> { send_wol(state, &id, None) } fn send_wol( state: Arc<crate::AppState>, id: &str, payload: Option<Json<SPayload>>, ) -> Result<Json<Value>, Error> { info!("start request for {id}"); let device = Device::read(id)?; info!("starting {}",; let bind_addr = ""; send_packet( bind_addr, &device.broadcast_addr.to_string(), &create_buffer(&device.mac.to_string())? )?; let dev_id =; let uuid = if let Some(pl) = payload { if|ping| ping) { Some(setup_ping(state, device)) } else { None } } else { None }; Ok(Json(json!(Response { id: dev_id, boot: true, uuid }))) } fn setup_ping(state: Arc<crate::AppState>, device: Device) -> String { let mut uuid: Option<String> = None; for (key, value) in state.ping_map.clone() { if value.ip == device.ip { debug!("service already exists"); uuid = Some(key); break; } } let uuid_gen = match uuid { Some(u) => u, None => Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), }; let uuid_ret = uuid_gen.clone(); debug!("init ping service"); state.ping_map.insert( uuid_gen.clone(), PingValue { ip: device.ip, eta: get_eta(device.clone().times), online: false, }, ); tokio::spawn(async move { crate::services::ping::spawn( state.ping_send.clone(), &state.config, device, uuid_gen, &state.ping_map, ) .await; }); uuid_ret } fn get_eta(times: Option<Vec<i64>>) -> i64 { let times = if let Some(times) = times { times } else { vec![0] }; times.iter().sum::<i64>() / i64::try_from(times.len()).unwrap() } #[derive(Deserialize, ToSchema)] pub struct SPayload { ping: Option<bool>, } #[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)] pub struct Response { id: String, boot: bool, uuid: Option<String>, }