use std::{io, num::TryFromIntError, time::SystemTimeError}; use chrono::ParseError; use indicatif::style::TemplateError; use reqwest::StatusCode; use crate::db::DBError; pub type MLE<T> = Result<T, Error>; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum Error { #[error("io: {source}")] Io { #[from] source: io::Error, }, #[error("tryfromint: {source}")] TryFromInt { #[from] source: TryFromIntError, }, #[error("serde_json: {source}")] Json { #[from] source: serde_json::Error, }, #[error("reqwest: {source}")] Reqwest { #[from] source: reqwest::Error, }, #[error("chrono parse error: {source}")] ChronoParse { #[from] source: ParseError, }, #[error("config: {source}")] Config { #[from] source: config::ConfigError, }, #[error("indicatif template: {source}")] IndicatifTemplate { #[from] source: TemplateError, }, #[error("toml: {source}")] TomlSer { #[from] source: toml::ser::Error, }, #[error("toml: {source}")] TomlDeser { #[from] source: toml::de::Error, }, #[error("systemtime: {source}")] Systemtime { #[from] source: SystemTimeError, }, #[error("conversion: {source}")] Conversion { #[from] source: ConversionError, }, #[error("Request didn't return 200 OK ({0})")] RequestNotOK(StatusCode), #[error("ModError ({0})")] ModError(String), #[error("No file extension where one should be")] NoFileExtension, #[error("Desired path not found")] PathNotFound, #[error("Desired system directory {0} not found")] SysDirNotFound(String), #[error("No requested Minecraft version found")] MinecraftVersionNotFound, #[error("Mod already added")] ModAlreadyOnList, #[error("No versions are applicable for the current scope")] NoCurrentVersion, #[error("The version does not know if it's locked or not")] VersionSetNotSet, #[error("No download for the current id found")] NoDownload, #[error("No ProjectInfo found / no id given")] NoProjectInfo, #[error("The requested List was not found")] ListNotFound, #[error("No download folder given")] NoDownloadFolder, #[error("db: {source}")] DB { #[from] source: DBError, }, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum ConversionError { #[error("couldn't convert to Modloader from: {0}")] Modloader(String), #[error("Path couldn't be converted to string")] InvalidPath, }